Finished Laser Decs
Big thank you to Technocamps! Not only did they teach our Digidudes how to create Christmas decorations, using Cad software, but they also very kindly laser cut them their finished designs. The designs look and smell amazing
Big thank you to Technocamps! Not only did they teach our Digidudes how to create Christmas decorations, using Cad software, but they also very kindly laser cut them their finished designs. The designs look and smell amazing
Blwyddyn 5 and 6 Digidudes are enjoying their Technocamps session this morning. They are designing Christmas vectors that will then be laser cut - so cool!
Our Digidudes have had a great morning learning all about Computational thinking with Technocamps. They learnt about algorithms, decomposition, abstraction and patter recognition and were able to complete lots of fun activities during their session.
Hopefully, they now feel more confident with the computational thinking language and will be able to apply their knowledge to future sessions as well as helping their peers.
Big thank you to our lovely Blwyddyn 6 Digidudes who helped the Blwyddyn 2 pupils access their HWB tests this afternoon. They were great at teaching the pupils how to use a chromebook, log into HWB as well as some cool shortcuts on the keyboard. Da iawn Digis.